An academic year at a folk high school

An academic year at a folk high school – working towards your full potential

An academic year at a folk high school is a free period of education for young people who have graduated from comprehensive school. This type of academic year is a really good alternative for those who are of compulsory education age and are not studying at a general upper secondary or vocational school.

Students at STEP Educations academis year at a folk high school.

For whom is an academic year at STEP folk high school suitable?

An academic year at the STEP folk high school is suitable for you if you want to  

  • discover your strengths and your own way of learning
  • take time to further consider what field you are interested in and where you would like to study
  • reinforce the skills you learned at comprehensive school and study something new
  • become independent, take more responsibility for your everyday life and make new friends
  • familiarise yourself better with the opportunities available to you and find your own path towards the future.

An academic year at STEP folk high school offers you experiences and guidance for planning your future

The aim of this type of academic year is to provide you with the qualifications for further upper secondary studies (general upper secondary or vocational school) and to reinforce your study skills. The STEP folk high school is a collective and safe learning environment that provides students with guidance, support for life management as well as an opportunity to live in a school dormitory.

The studies last for an entire academic year and are divided into general studies and optional studies:

Optional orientation studies:

You can select optional orientation studies according to your own interests. Orientation studies can include, for example, music, visual and comic arts, media and communications, exercise and health or animal care.

The academic year is organised on STEP Education campuses in different parts of Finland. Each campus has its own orientation study options; read more about them on the individual municipality’s own pages.

General studies:  

  • Everyday skills and life management
  • Studying, self-knowledge and working life skills
  • Interaction and communication skills
  • Basic mathematical skills and problem-solving skills
  • Active citizenship
  • Studying and career planning skills

In Pieksämäki, we also offer folk high school studies for young people who have completed their comprehensive school studies and require special support. 

An academic year for immigrants of compulsory education age

This education is intended for young people of compulsory education age (under the age of 18) who have graduated from comprehensive school and need to improve their skills in the Finnish language. As entrance requirements, the person needs to have a basic education certificate from Finland or abroad and be subject to compulsory education.

Contents of the education:

  • Finnish language and communication skills
  • Social and working life skills
  • Mathematics and problem-solving skills
  • English language
  • Information and communication technology
  • Studying and career planning skills

After completing the academic year at a folk high school you can continue your studies at a vocational or general upper secondary school or by taking part in training intended to prepare you for a general upper secondary qualification (TUVA).


The studies and related teaching material and equipment as well as daily meals and accommodation are free of charge for students of a compulsory education age. 

Apply for the programme 

Apply for the education programme during the joint application period in spring at the address or after the period using an electronic form submitted directly to the school.

You can also start your studies mid-term in case you, for example, discontinue your upper secondary level studies.

Further information

Katarina McAlester
Opinto-ohjaaja Järvenpää +358 401930417
Elina Ketola
Opinto-ohjaaja Lapua +358 403553035
Mikko Salmi
Aluejohtaja Pieksämäki +358401954550
Marika Lehvonen
Koulutuspäällikkö Ruokolahti +358 408424191

Apply for education

S2-tuettu opistovuosi oppivelvollisille Lapualla
6.8.2025 – 30.5.2026
Yleissivistävä koulutus
Deadline for applications
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S2-tuettu opistovuosi oppivelvollisille Pieksämäellä
6.8.2025 – 30.5.2026
Yleissivistävä koulutus
Deadline for applications
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S2-tuettu opistovuosi oppivelvollisille Ruokolahdella
6.8.2025 – 30.5.2026
Yleissivistävä koulutus
Deadline for applications
Info and sign up